Monday, November 30, 2009

Pretty awesome video

You can watch it here

There's some really awesome stuff in this video. Having said that (sorry, Larry), I don't think the implications are that insane from an expectations standpoint. To be honest, I've expected something along these lines for a couple years now. In relation to what we're used to, there's very little technological advancement that would shock me anymore. If in 1990 someone had told our parents all the crazy shit that would be happening in 2009, they'd have never believed it. In this age of instantaneous connectivity, the technological breakthrough curve gets pretty damn steep at the top, and it's a little sad. I'd go so far as to say we've outdone ourselves. I'm still giddy with anticipation at all the cool stuff that's going down in the years to come. Anyone who really knows me knows that I'm a nerd at heart.

1 comment:

  1. I just like it because he's Indian. I watched the video with the sound off though, so I'll take your word on it that its full of cool shit.

